Installing BASCOM-8051

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After you have downloaded the software you need to UNZIP the downloaded file.

There is only one file named setup.exe

You may run this setup.exe from within the Windows Shell but it is important to notice that when you use the commercial version, you MUST UNZIP the setup.exe since you need to copy the license file to the same directory as setup.exe.


noticeYou must have Administrator rights in order to be able to run setup.



The opening screen looks like :



You need to click the Next-button to continue.


A license agreement will be shown. You need to read it and accept the agreement.

This is a no-nonsense agreement where you are allowed to install/copy on as many computers as you want, providing that you use only one computer at the same time.




After clicking the 'I accept the agreeement' option, you need to click the Next-button again to continue.


The readme.txt file is shown. Basicly it tells you to contact in case of a problem.



Click the Next-button again to continue with the setup.


You can now select where you want to Install BASCOM-8051.

The default is shown below.



Click the Next-button again to continue.


You can now select/enter the Program Group name. The default is shown below.



Click the Next-button again to continue.


The files will now be installed.

A screenshot is shown below :




When the files are installed, the installer will install some addiitonal files :



Press the Next-Button to install the additional files. This will go quick in most cases. When you install from CD-ROM the setup will also copy PDF datasheets. The installation will take longer then.


When setup is completely finished it will show the last screen :



You MUST reboot your PC since it will install a driver needed for the programming.